IELTS Summer Intensive (4.5 - 5.5) - Final Version

Lê Lan Hương
0 Đánh giá 16 Học viên

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IELTS Summer Intensive (5.5 - 6.5)

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Nội dung khóa học

  • Mẫu - Vocabulary Review
  • IELTS Listening Test
  • IELTS Listening Test (backup)
  • IELTS Reading Test
  • IELTS Reading Test (backup)
  • IELTS Writing Test
  • MOCK TEST: Listening
  • MOCK TEST: Reading
  • MOCK TEST: Writing
  • MOCK TEST: Listening
  • MOCK TEST: Reading
  • MOCK TEST: Writing
  • Video Lesson 1 (3/6/2024) 156:48
  • Video Lesson 2 (5/6/2024) 157:50
  • Video Lesson 3 (7/6/2024) 148:50
  • Video Lesson 4 (10/6/2024) 159:55
  • Video Lesson 5 (12/6/2024) 151:45
  • Video Lesson 6 (14/6/2024) 155:40
  • Video Lesson 7 (17/6/2024) 151:36
  • Video Lesson 8 (19/6/2024) 157:15
  • Video Lesson 9 (21/6/2024)
  • Video Lesson 10 (24/6/2024)
  • Video Lesson 11 (26/6/2024) 144:22
  • Video Lesson 12 (28/6/2024) 150:32
  • Video Lesson 13 (3/7/2024) 161:25
  • Video Lesson 14 (4/7/2024) 153:19
  • Video Lesson 15 (5/7/2024) 157:52
  • Video Lesson 16 (8/7/2024) 152:23
  • Video Lesson 17 (10/7/2024) 171:32
  • Video lesson 18 (12/7/2024) 150:07
  • Video Lesson 20 (17/7/2024) 165:18
  • Video Lesson 21 (19/7/2024) 152:14
  • Video Lesson 22 (22/7/2024)
  • Video Lesson 23 (24/7/2024)
  • Video Lesson 24 (29/7/2024) 166:09
  • Video Lesson 25 (31/8/2024) 154:48
  • Vocab: Country, nationality and language
  • Vocab: The physical world
  • Dictation: Unit 1 A Big Responsibility
  • Reading: The Zipper
  • Grammar: Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs
  • Grammar: Present and past - Present continuous and present simple 1 (I am doing and I do)
  • Grammar: Present and past - Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do)
  • Reading: The Postage Stamp
  • Dictation: Unit 2 Elephants Are Amazing
  • Vocab: Weather
  • Vocab: Animals and insects
  • Dictation: Unit 3 Ants, Ants, Everywhere!
  • Grammar: Past simple, past continuous, used to
  • Grammar: Past simple (I did)
  • Grammar: Past continuous (I was doing)
  • Listening: Form Completion - P1 Language development
  • Listening: Form Completion - P2 Exam skills
  • Listening: Form Completion - P3 Exam practice
  • Vocab: The body and movement
  • Vocab: Describing appearance
  • Reading: Pencils and Pens
  • Reading: The Umbrella
  • Dictation: Unit 4 The Oil Spill
  • Listening: P1 Language development
  • Grammar: Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous
  • Grammar: Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done)
  • Grammar: Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)
  • Reading: The Metric System
  • Dictation: Unit 5 The Amazing Amazon
  • Listening: Table/Map/Flow Chart - P2 Exam skills
  • Listening: Table/Map/Flow Chart - P3 Exam practice
  • Vocab: Describing character
  • Vocab: Feelings
  • Grammar: Present perfect 2 (I have done)
  • Grammar: Present perfect and past 1 (I have done and I did)
  • Grammar: Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did)
  • Reading: Thai Boxing
  • Dictation: Unit 6 Research
  • Vocab: Family and friends
  • Vocab: Growing up
  • Vocab: Romance, marriage and divorce
  • Dictation: Unit 7 A New Calculator
  • Reading: Sumo Wrestling
  • Reading: Short-answer questions - P1 Language development
  • Reading: Short-answer questions - P2 Exam skills
  • Grammar: Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous
  • Grammar: Past perfect (I had done)
  • Grammar: Past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
  • Reading: Tarahumara Foot Races
  • Dictation: Unit 8 Racing Robots
  • Reading: Short-answer questions - P3 Exam practice
  • Vocab: Daily routines
  • Vocab: The place where you live
  • Vocab: Around the home
  • Dictation: Unit 9 Online Chatting
  • Reading: Olympic Sports
  • Listening: Short-answer + Flow Chart - Language development
  • Listening: Short-answer + Flow Chart - Exam skills
  • Vocab: Money
  • Vocab: Health
  • Grammar: Future time (Present continuous, will, be going to, present simple)
  • Grammar: Future - Present tenses (I am doing / I do) for the future
  • Dictation: Unit 10 The Nobel Prize
  • Dictation: Unit 11 Great Art
  • Listening: Short-answer + Flow Chart - Exam practice
  • Grammar: Prepositions of time and place
  • Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
  • Grammar: Articles
  • Reading: Great Athletes
  • Dictation: Unit 12 Talking Drums
  • Reading - Flow chart: The way the brain buys
  • Listening: Short-answer & Diagram - P1 Language development
  • Listening: Short-answer & Diagram - P2 Exam skills
  • Vocab: Clothes
  • Vocab: Fashion and buying clothes
  • Vocab: Shopping
  • Grammar: Pronouns and possessive determiners
  • Grammar: Direct and indirect objects
  • Reading: The Puffer Fish
  • Listening: Short-answer & Diagram - P3 Exam practice
  • Dictation: Unit 13 The Hot New Movie
  • Reading - Diagram: The chicken egg
  • Vocab: Food
  • Vocab: Cooking
  • Dictation: Unit 14 A Faux Pas
  • Reading: Foods from Around the World
  • Reading: Chocolate
  • 5. On campus services - Vocabulary
  • Listening: Map + Short answer - On campus services - Skills development
  • Listening: Diagram + Matching + Table - Exam skills
  • Grammar: Modals ability, permission, advice
  • Grammar: Modals 2 Obligation, probability, posibiltiy
  • Reading: The Blue Revolution
  • Reading: Twenty-One Days Without Food
  • Dictation: Unit 15 The List
  • Listening: Map + Short answer - On campus services - Exam practice
  • Vocab: City life
  • Vocab: Life in the country
  • Dictation: Unit 16 Family Camping
  • Grammar: Modals - I’d better ... it’s time ...
  • Grammar: Modals 3 the modal perfect
  • Listening: Diagram + Matching + Table - Exam practice
  • Vocab: Transport
  • Vocab: On the road
  • Vocab: Notices and warnings
  • Reading: The Marie Celeste
  • Dictation: Unit 17 The Amusement Park
  • Listening: MCQ + Pick from a List - Staying safe - Vocabulary
  • Grammar: Modals - could (do) and could have (done)
  • Grammar: Modals - must and can’t
  • Grammar: Modals - may and might 1
  • Reading: The Roanoke Settlement
  • Dictation: Unit 18 Fresh Lemonade
  • Listening: MCQ + Pick from a List - Exam skills
  • Vocab: Classroom language
  • Vocab: School education
  • Grammar: Modals - have to and must
  • Grammar: Modals - should 1
  • Grammar: Modals - must mustn’t needn’t
  • Reading: The Easter Island Statues
  • Reading: The Tunguska Fireball
  • Listening: MCQ + Pick from a List - Stay Safe - Exam practice
  • 3 Studying abroad - Skill development/Exam practice (Matching info + Table/Diagram completion)
  • Vocab: Studying English and taking exams
  • Vocab: University education
  • Dictation: Unit 19 At the Movies
  • Dictation: Unit 20 Hobbies
  • Reading: The Tunguska Fireball
  • Grammar: Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)
  • Grammar: Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly)
  • Grammar: quite, pretty, rather and fairly
  • Reading: The History of Money
  • Dictation: Unit 21 Defense!
  • Dictation: Unit 22 The Importance of Writing
  • Vocab: Jobs
  • Vocab: Talking about your work
  • Vocab: Making a career
  • Dictation: Unit 23 The Course Schedule
  • Reading: Mass Marketing
  • Reading: Inflation
  • Vocab: Working in an office
  • Vocab: Running a company
  • Vocab: Business and finance
  • Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives
  • Grammar: Comparative 2 (much better / any better etc.)
  • Dictation: Unit 24 Food, Family, and Fun
  • Grammar: Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)
  • Grammar: Verb + to ... (decide to ... / forget to ... etc.)
  • Grammar: Verb + -ing or to ... 1 (remember, regret etc.)
  • Reading: Doing Business Around the World
  • Dictation: Unit 25 The Project
  • Vocab: Sport and leisure
  • Vocab: Competitive sport
  • Vocab: Books and films
  • Grammar: -ing and infinitive
  • Grammar: there’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc.
  • Reading: Plastic Money
  • Dictation: Unit 26 The Assignment
  • Writing: Write a report on a dynamic chart
  • Listening: Friend abroad - Vocabulary
  • Listening: Form Completion - Friend abroad - Skill development
  • Listening: Form Completion - Friend abroad - Exam practice
  • Reading: Burke and Wills: Across Australia
  • 6 Learning and doing Vocab
  • 6 Learning and doing Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 28 Conditionals 1 (zero, first, second)
  • 29 Conditionals 2 (third)
  • 44: Music
  • 45: Special events
  • Reading: Multiple choice - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Multiple choice - Skills Development
  • Reading: Multiple choice - Exam Practice
  • Listening: Food and cooking - Vocabulary
  • Listening: Table Completion - Food and cooking - Skill development
  • Listening: Table Completion - Food and cooking - Exam practice
  • Reading: Alexandra David-Neel: A French Woman in Tibet
  • Cam 8: Test 1- Listening
  • Cam 8: Test 1- Reading
  • 10 The passive 1
  • 11 The passive 2
  • Reading: Vitus Bering: Across Siberia to North America
  • Listening: Presentation - Vocabulary
  • Listening: Presentation - Skill development
  • Listening: Presentation - Exam practice
  • Reading - short-answer: Museum of Lost Objects: Mar Elian Monastery
  • 30 Body and lifestyle Vocab
  • 30 Body and lifestyle Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 30 Body and lifestyle Word formation+patterns
  • I082 Listening
  • IE.8.2.R
  • 3 Fun and games Vocab
  • 3 Fun and games Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 3 Fun and games Word formation+patterns
  • Reading: Short-answer - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Short-answer - Skills Development
  • Reading: Short-answer - Exam Practice
  • Reading 1.1: An Early Brain Map
  • Reading 1.2: Brain Mapping Today
  • Listening: Work - Vocabulary
  • Listening: Work - Skills development
  • Listening: Short-answer question - Work - Exam practice
  • 46: Travel bookings(copy)
  • 47: Air travel(copy)
  • 50: Sightseeing holidays(copy)
  • Reading: World Population Growth
  • I083 Listening
  • IE.8.3.R
  • 17 Relative clauses
  • 9 Coming and going Vocab
  • 9 Coming and goingPhrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • Reading: Business management - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Business management - Skills Development
  • Reading: Matching Information - Exam Practice
  • Reading: Back to nature - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Back to nature - Skills Development
  • Reading: Diagram Completion - Exam Practice
  • I084 Listening
  • Reading: Cam 8.4 - P1 Land of the Rising Sum
  • Reading: Cam 8.4 - P2 Biological Control of Pests
  • Reading: Cam 8.4 - P3 Collecting Ant Specimens
  • 25 So and such, too and enough
  • Dictation: Walking around the world with a dog (Dailydictation - đã gắn link trên plan)
  • 12 Friends and relations Vocab
  • 12 Friends and relations Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 12 Friends and relations Word formation+patterns
  • Reading: Community matters - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Community matters - SD
  • Reading: Matching features - Exam Practice
  • 15 Buying and selling Vocab
  • 15 Buying and selling Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 15 Buying and selling Word formation+patterns
  • 24 People and daily life Vocab
  • 24 People and daily life Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 24 People and daily life Word formation+patterns
  • I091 Listening
  • Reading: Cam 9.1 - William Henry Perkin
  • Reading: Cam 9.2 - Is there anybody out there?
  • Reading: Cam 9.3 -The History of the Tortoise
  • 18 Inventions and discoveries Vocab
  • 18 Inventions and discoveries Word formation+patterns
  • 18 Inventions and discoveries Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 35 Wish
  • 38 Both, either, neither, so, nor
  • Reading: Medicine: From Leeches to Lasers
  • Reading: British Culture - Vocabulary
  • Reading: British Culture - Skills Development
  • Reading: Matching Headings - Exam practice
  • 21 Sending and receiving Vocab
  • 21 Sending and receiving Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 21 Sending and receiving Word formation+patterns
  • 36 Nature and the universe Vocab
  • 36 Nature and the universe Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 36 Nature and the universe Word formation+patterns
  • I092 Listening
  • I092 Reading
  • 39 Laughing and crying Vocab
  • 39 Laughing and crying Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 39 Laughing and crying Word formation+patterns
  • Reading: Crime Detection - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Crime Detection - Skill Development
  • Reading: T/F/NG - Exam Practice
  • 31 Reported Speech
  • 40 Connectives
  • Reading: Travel - Vocabulary
  • Reading: Travel - Skill Development
  • Reading: Yes/ No/ NG - Exam Practice
  • Dictation: Why Does Your Cat's Tongue Feel Like Sandpaper (Đã gắn link trên study plan) 3:47
  • 42 Problems and solutions Vocab
  • 42 Problems and solutions Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 42 Problems and solutions Word formation+patterns
  • I093 Listening
  • I093 Reading
  • 33 Creating and building Vocab
  • 33 Creating and building Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 33 Creating and building Word formation+patterns
  • Reading 5.1: Skycrapers
  • Reading 5.2: The Growth of Cities
  • 27 Working and earning Vocab
  • 27 Working and earning Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • 27 Working and earning Word formation+patterns
  • I094 Listening
  • I094 Reading
  • I102 Listening
  • I103 Listening
  • I104 Listening
  • I102 Reading
  • I103 Reading
  • I104 Reading
  • I151 Listening
  • I152 Listening
  • I153 Listening
  • I154 Listening
  • I151 Reading
  • I152 Reading
  • I153 Reading
  • I154 Reading
  • Reading 2.1: What Time Is It?
  • Quiz: An Early Brain Map
  • Quiz: Brain Mapping Today
  • Reading 2.2: Time Zones
  • Quiz: What Time Is It?
  • Quiz: Time Zones
  • Reading 3.1: Harmful and Helpful Bacteria
  • Reading 3.2: Fighting Bacteria
  • Quiz: Harmful and Helpful Bacteria
  • Reading 4.1: Changing a Traditional Way of Life
  • Reading 4.2: Changing the Future
  • Quiz: Changing the Future
  • Quiz: Skycrapers
  • Reading 6.1: Food Traditions
  • Reading 6.2: Preserving Foods
  • Reading 7.1: Bar Codes
  • Reading 7.2: 2-D Bar Codes
  • Reading 8.1: Museum Theft
  • Reading 8.2: A Bold Thief
  • Reading 9.1: Hydroponics
  • Reading 9.2: Farming in Many Places
  • Reading 10.1: Sun, Wind, and Water
  • Reading 10.2: Using Renewable Energy Sources
  • Reading: Robert Scott: A Race to the South Pole
  • Reading: Into the Deep: Ocean Exploration
  • Reading: Changes in the Family
  • Reading: Women and Change
  • Reading: Rain Forests
  • Reading: The Garbage Project
  • Reading: Roadrunners
  • Reading: Afraid to Fly
  • Reading: Languages and Language Diversity
  • Reading: Skyscrapers
  • Reading: Left-Handedness
  • Reading: Biospheres in Space
  • Reading: Earthquakes
  • Reading: Snow and Hail
  • Reading: Photovoltaic Cells: Energy Source of the Future
  • Reading: Biological Clocks
  • Reading: Headaches
  • Reading: Sleep and Dreams
  • Reading: Health Care and Epidemics
  • Reading: Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Thông tin giảng viên

Lê Lan Hương
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