Cornerstone 1

Academic Writing trình độ A2
Giang Nguyen
1 Đánh giá 26 Học viên

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Academic Writing trình độ A2

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  • Overview of Cornerstone Writing 5:34
  • [MUST READ] Instructions
  • Lecture Video: Simple Sentence - Present Tenses (Part 1) 29:15
  • Lecture Video: Simple Sentence - Present Tenses (Part 2) 25:43
  • Extra lecture (Punctuation and Capitalization)
  • Vocabulary 1 The family
  • Vocabulary 2 Birth, marriage and death
  • Lecture Note_Simple sentence
  • Practice Simple sentence
  • Punctuation and Capitalization_Practice
  • Lecture Video and note: Grammar Focus - Tenses Overview 25:43
  • Vocabulary 3 Parts of the body
  • Vocabulary 4 Clothes
  • Grammar 1 am/is/are
  • Grammar 2 am/is/are (questions)
  • Grammar 3 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
  • Grammar 4 I don't... (present simple negative)
  • Grammar 5 Do you ...? (present simple questions)
  • Grammar 6 I am doing (present continuous)
  • Grammar 7 are you doing? (present continuous questions)
  • Grammar 8 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)
  • Grammar 9 I have ... and I've got...
  • Lecture Video: Nouns 36:58
  • Lecture Note_ Nouns
  • Vocabulary 55 Common uncountable nouns
  • Grammar practice: Nouns 1- 65 a/an ...
  • Grammar practice: Nouns 2- 66 train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)
  • Grammar practice: Nouns 3- 67 a bottle / some water (countable/uncountable 1)
  • Grammar practice: Nouns 4- 68 a cake / some cake / some cakes (countable/uncountable 2)
  • Reading: How do we communicate?
  • Lecture Video_Writing Using Articles 27:44
  • Lecture Note_Using Articles
  • Lecture Video_Practice writing with "The" 23:15
  • Lecture Note_Writing Using [The]
  • Vocabulary 5 Describing people
  • Vocabulary 6 Health and illness
  • Grammar Practice: Article 1- 69 a/an and the
  • Grammar Practice: Article 2- 70 the
  • Grammar Practice: Article 3- 71 go to work go home go to the cinema
  • Grammar Practice: Article 4- 72 I like music I hate exams
  • Grammar Practice: Article 5- 73 the ... (names of places)
  • Video: Compound Sentences 13:05
  • Lecture Note_ Compound Sentences
  • Vocabulary 7 Feelings
  • Vocabulary 8 Conversations 1: Greetings and wishes
  • Vocabulary focus: Fun and games
  • Compound Sentence_Practice
  • Video: Grammar Focus - Past Tenses 35:24
  • Vocabulary 9 Conversations 2: Useful words and expressions
  • Vocabulary 10 Food and drink
  • Grammar 1 was/were
  • Grammar 2 worked/got/went etc (past simple)
  • Grammar 3 I didn't... Did you ...? (past simple negative and questions)
  • Grammar 4 I was doing (past continuous)
  • Grammar 5 I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)
  • Video: Complex Sentences and Adverbial Clauses 13:17
  • Vocabulary 11 In the kitchen
  • Vocabulary 12 In the bedroom and bathroom
  • Vocabulary focus: Fun and games Phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases
  • Complex sentence_Practice
  • Topics for writing
  • Vocabulary 13 In the living room
  • Vocabulary 14 Jobs
  • Lecture Video: Grammar Focus - Present Perfect and Past Simple 26:46
  • Lecture note: Present Perfect_Past Simple
  • Vocabulary 15 At school and university
  • Grammar 15 I have done (present perfect 1)
  • Grammar 16 I've just... I've already... I haven't... yet (present perfect 2)
  • Grammar 17 Have you ever... ? (present perfect 3)
  • Grammar 18 How long have you ... ? (present perfect 4)
  • Grammar 19 for since ago
  • Grammar 20 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)
  • Lecture Video_Parallelism 11:53
  • Review Parallelism 1
  • Lecture Note_Parallelism
  • Vocabulary 16 Communications
  • Vocabulary 17 Your phone
  • Vocabulary 3 Fun and games Word formation+patterns
  • Reading: Reaching For The Sky
  • Lecture Video_Sentence Problems 23:49
  • Lecture Note_Sentence Problems
  • Practice: Sentence problems 1
  • Vocabulary 18 Holidays
  • Vocabulary 19 Shops and shopping
  • Practice: Sentence problems 2
  • Lecture Video_ Introduction to The Future 16:42
  • Lecture Note_The Future
  • Vocabulary 20 Online shopping
  • Vocabulary 21 In a hotel
  • Lecture Video_The Future Tenses_Other Uses 27:14
  • Lecture Note_Other Uses of Future Tense
  • Grammar 25 What are you doing tomorrow?
  • Grammar 26 I'm going to ...
  • Grammar 27 will/shall 1
  • Grammar 28 will/shall 2
  • Lecture Video_Basics of a Paragraph 24:38
  • Lecture Video_Supporting_Concluding 22:03
  • Lecture Note_Supporting_Concluding
  • Vocabulary 22 Eating out
  • Vocabulary 23 Sports
  • Lecture Video_Pronouns_Determiners 18:24
  • Lecture Video_Writing Using Pronouns_Determiners 14:01
  • Vocabulary 24 Cinema
  • Vocabulary 25 Free time at home
  • 59 I/me he/him they/them etc
  • 60 my/his/their etc
  • 61 Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc
  • 62 l/me/my/mine
  • 63 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
  • 64 -'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car etc.)
  • 26 Music and musical instruments(copy)
  • 27 Countries and nationalities(copy)
  • Lecture Video_Writing about the Present 42:49
  • Lecture Note_Writing about the Present
  • Lecture Video_Writing with some,any,much,many 26:22
  • Lecture Note_Writing with some,any,much,many
  • 28 Weather(copy)
  • 29 In the town(copy)
  • 83 a lot much many
  • 84 (a) little (a) few
  • 76 some and any
  • Lecture Video_Adjectives 39:33
  • 85 old/nice/interesting etc (adjectives)
  • 86 quickly/badly/suddenly etc (adverbs)
  • 87 old/older expensive / more expensive
  • 88 older than ... more expensive than ...
  • 89 not as ... as
  • 90 the oldest the most expensive
  • 56 Common adjectives: Good and bad things(copy)
  • Lecture Video_More on Adjectives 27:44
  • 30 In the countryside(copy)
  • 31 Animals(copy)
  • 91 enough
  • 92 too
  • Practice Making comparisons LPI35
  • 32 Travelling(copy)
  • 33 UK culture(copy)
  • Practice: Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Practice: Adverbs of frequency
  • Lecture Video_Fundamentals on Adverbs 23:08
  • Lecture Video_Questions and Auxiliary Verbs 24:02
  • 40 I am, I don't etc
  • 41 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc
  • 42 too/either so am I / neither do I etc
  • 43 isn't, haven't, don't etc (negatives)
  • 44 is it ... ? have you ... ? do they ... ? etc (questions 1)
  • 45 Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)
  • 46 Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)
  • 47 What... ? Which ... ? How ... ? (questions 4)
  • 48 How long does it take ... ?
  • 49 Do you know where ... ? I don't know what... etc
  • Vocabulary 34 Crime
  • Vocabulary 35 The media
  • Lecture Video: Modal Verbs 21:53
  • 30 can and could
  • 31 must mustn't don't need to
  • 32 should
  • 33 I have to ...
  • 34 Would you like ... ? I'd like ...
  • 35 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do this!
  • 36 I used to ...
  • 36 Problems at home and work(copy)
  • Lecture Video: Possibility and Probability 17:25
  • Vocabulary 38 Have / had / had
  • Vocabulary 39 Go / went / gone
  • 29 might
  • 40 Do / did / done(copy)
  • 41 Make / made / made(copy)
  • 103 And, but, so, both ... and, either, etc(copy)
  • 98 When ...
  • 42 Come / came / come(copy)
  • Lecture Video_The Infinitive and Gerund
  • 51 work/working go/going do/doing
  • 52 to ... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
  • Lecture Video_The Infinitive and Gerund 2 23:15
  • 53 I want you to ... I told you to ...
  • 54 I went to the shop to ...
  • 44 Bring / brought / brought(copy)
  • Lecture Video_The Passive Voice 17:53
  • 21 is done was done (passive 1)
  • 22 is being done has been done (passive 2)
  • 45 Get / got / got(copy)
  • Video Lecture_Conditionals 19:24
  • 99 If we go... If you se e ... etc
  • 100 If I had... If we w en t... etc
  • 101 a person who ... a thing that/which ... (relative clauses 1)
  • 102 the people we met the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)
  • 46 Phrasal verbs(copy)
  • 103 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April
  • 104 from ... to until since for
  • 57 Words and prepositions(copy)
  • 105 before after during while
  • 106 in at on (places 1)
  • 107 in at on (places 2)
  • 108 to in at (places 3)
  • 109 under behind, opposite etc
  • 110 up, over, through etc
  • 111 on at by with about
  • 112 afraid o f..., good a t ... etc of/at/for etc (prepositions) + -ing
  • 113 listen to . . ., look a t ... etc (verb + preposition)
  • Grammar: Reported Speech She said that... He told me that...
  • 47 Everyday things(copy)
  • Practice: phrasal verbs 1
  • Practice: phrasal verbs 2
  • 48 Talking(copy)
  • Parts of Speech
  • 97 and but or so because
  • 50 Conjunctions and connecting words(copy)
  • 104 Because, in case, so, so that(copy)
  • 106 Although, while, however, despite, etc(copy)
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_Commas in dialogue 2:59
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_Commas and introductory elements 4:34
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_ The oxford comma 3:42
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_Commas in space and time 3:18
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_ 2:17
  • Punctuation Essentials Video_Tag questions 3:23
  • Three ways to end a sentence_Video 2:51
  • Meet the comma_Video 3:58
  • 49 Moving(copy)
  • 51 Days, months, seasons(copy)
  • FANBOYS_Video 2:53
  • Vocabulary 52 Time words
  • Subject-verb agreement_Video 4:52
  • Pronoun-antecedent agreement 4:06
  • Sentential Fragments_Video 3:47
  • Run-ons and comma splices_Video
  • 37 Global problems(copy)
  • Parallel Structure_Video
  • 43 Take / took / taken(copy)
  • 53 Places(copy)
  • 54 Manner(copy)
  • Confused Words 6:10
  • Confused Words: There, their, and they're_Video 3:20
  • Frequently confused words_Video 3:13
  • 58 Prefixes(copy)
  • 59 Suffixes(copy)
  • 60 Words you may confuse(copy)
  • Introduction to Academic Writing 10:07
  • How to write good paragraphs 6:13
  • 37 there is there are
  • 38 there was/were there has/have been there will be
  • 39 It...
  • 55 go to ... go on ... go for... go -ing
  • 56 get
  • 57 do and make
  • 58 have
  • 74 this/that/these/those
  • 75 one/ones
  • 77 not + any no none
  • 78 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
  • 79 somebody/anything/nowhere etc
  • 80 every and all
  • 81 all most some any no/none
  • 82 both either neither
  • 93 He speaks English very well, (word order 1)
  • 94 always/usually/often etc (word order 2)
  • 95 still yet already
  • 96 Give me that book! Give it to me!

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Giang Nguyen
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