Chuyên Anh Level 1

Succeed in Grammar A2
4 Đánh giá 0 Học viên

Giới thiệu khóa học

Succeed in Grammar A2 là tài liệu luyện tập Ngữ pháp được The Ivy-League Vietnam thiết kế đặc biệt dành cho những học viên đang có dự định ôn tập và thi KET. Tài khoản này sẽ cung cấp nhiều tài liệu luyện tập đa dạng về Ngữ pháp giúp học viên làm quen và sử dụng thành thạo cấu trúc và nội dung ngữ pháp của đề thi KET. Mỗi bài tập đều được thiết kế khoa học và hợp lí, tạo cơ hội cho các bạn học viên có thể dễ dàng đánh giá trình độ của bản thân và xác định được những phần cần luyện tập và cải thiện.

Bạn sẽ học được gì

  • Một trong những yếu tố quan trọng khi ôn thi chứng chỉ KET cụ thể là Ngữ pháp A2 chính là phải có tài liệu ôn tập. Với sự phát triển mạnh mẽ của công nghệ 4.0, nên việc tra cứu tài liệu ôn thi cũng không còn khó khăn. Chính vì vậy, The Ivy-League Vietnam xin được gửi tới quý học viên và các bậc phụ huynh tài khoản tự học tựa đề Succeed in Grammar A2. 

    Đối với tài khoản này, các bạn học viên có thể:

    - Tự do về thời gian cũng như địa điểm làm bài

    - Highlight, đánh dấu, note lại những mục cần nhớ của bài tập

    The Ivy-League Vietnam sẽ có hệ thống chấm bài tự động và đáp án cho học viên đối chiếu kết quả.

Nội dung khóa học

  • 2 am/is/are (questions)
  • 3 I am doing (present continuous)
  • 4 are you doing? (present continuous questions)
  • 5 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
  • 6 I don't... (present simple negative)
  • 7 Do you ...? (present simple questions)
  • 8 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)
  • 9 I have ... and I've got...
  • 1.1 Singular and Plural nouns practice
  • 1.1 Singular and Plural nouns intro
  • 1.2 Count and noncount nouns intro
  • 1.2 Count and noncount nouns practice
  • 1.3 Subject and Object Pronouns intro
  • 1.3 Subject and Object Pronouns
  • 1.4 Demonstratives and Possessives 1 intro
  • 1.4 Demonstratives and Possessives 1
  • 1.5 Possessives 2 intro
  • 1.5 Possessives 2
  • 1.6 Present Simple: Be intro
  • 1.6 Present Simple: Be
  • 1.7 Present Simple intro
  • 1.7 Present Simple
  • 1.8 Present Simple and Frequency Adverbs intro
  • 1.8 Present Simple and Frequency Adverbs
  • 1.9 Present continuous intro
  • 1.9 Present continuous
  • 1.10 Present simple vs present continuous intro
  • 1.10 Present simple vs present continuous
  • 1.11 Future: will intro
  • 1.11 Future: will
  • 1.12 Progress Test 1
  • 1.13 Past simple: Regular verbs intro
  • 1.13 Past simple: Regular verbs
  • 1.14 Past simple: Irregular Verbs and Be intro
  • 1.14 Past simple: Irregular Verbs and Be
  • 1.15 Helping verbs intro
  • 1.15 Helping verbs
  • 1.16 Adjectives intro
  • 1.16 Adjectives
  • 1.17 Linking Verbs and Adjectives intro
  • 1.17 Linking Verbs and Adjectives
  • 1.18 Adverbs 1
  • 1.19 Adverbs 2
  • 1.20 Prepositions of Time
  • 1.21 Prepositions of Place
  • 1.22 Statements and Yes/No Questions
  • 1.23 Information Questions
  • 1.24 Progress Test 2
  • 2.1 Nouns and articles
  • 2.2 Quantity words
  • 2.3 Pronouns and Possessives
  • 2.4 Present and Past: Be
  • 2.5 Present simple
  • 2.6 Present continuous
  • 2.7 Present simple vs Present continuous
  • 2.8 Past simple 1
  • 2.9 Past simple 2
  • 2.10 Past continuous
  • 2.11 Future: will/Be going to
  • 2.12 Progress Test 1
  • 2.13 Helping verbs 1
  • 2.14 Helping verbs 2
  • 2.15 Adjectives
  • 2.16 Adverbs
  • 2.17 Comparisons
  • 2.18 Prepositions of Time
  • 2.19 Prepositions of Place and Movement
  • 2.20 Parts of the Sentence
  • 2.21 Parts of Speech
  • 2.22 Statement and Yes/No Questions
  • 2.23 Information Questions
  • 2.24 Progress Test
  • 3.1 Nouns and Articles
  • 3.2 Pronouns and Posessives
  • 3.3 Somebody/Nothing/Anywhere
  • 3.4 Present simple
  • 3.5 Present continuous
  • 3.6 Past simple
  • 3.7 Past continuous
  • 3.8 Future
  • 3.9 Present perfect
  • 3.10 Helping Verbs 1
  • 3.11 Helping verbs 2
  • 3.12 Progress Test 1
  • 3.13 The passive
  • 3.14 Participial adjectives
  • 3.15 Gerunds
  • 3.16 Infinitives 1
  • 3.17 Infinitives 2
  • 3.18 Comparisons
  • 3.19 Conjunctions
  • 3.20 Parts of the Sentence
  • 3.21 Types of Sentences
  • 3.22 Tag Questions
  • 3.23 Information Questions
  • 3.24 Progress Test 2
  • 10 was/were
  • 11 worked/got/went etc (past simple)
  • 12 I didn't... Did you ...? (past simple negative and questions)
  • 13 I was doing (past continuous)
  • 14 I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)
  • 15 I have done (present perfect 1)
  • 16 I've just... I've already... I haven't... yet (present perfect 2)
  • 17 Have you ever... ? (present perfect 3)
  • 18 How long have you ... ? (present perfect 4)
  • 19 for since ago
  • 20 I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)
  • 21 is done was done (passive 1)
  • 22 is being done has been done (passive 2)
  • 23 be/have/do in present and past tenses
  • 24 Regular and irregular verbs
  • 25 What are you doing tomorrow?
  • 26 I'm going to ...
  • 27 will/shall 1
  • 28 will/shall 2
  • 29 might
  • 30 can and could
  • 31 must mustn't don't need to
  • 32 should
  • 33 I have to ...
  • 34 Would you like ... ? I'd like ...
  • 35 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do this!
  • 36 I used to ...
  • 37 there is there are
  • 38 there was/were there has/have been there will be
  • 39 It...
  • 40 I am, I don't etc
  • 41 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc
  • 42 too/either so am I / neither do I etc
  • 43 isn't, haven't, don't etc (negatives)
  • 44 is it ... ? have you ... ? do they ... ? etc (questions 1)
  • 45 Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)
  • 46 Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)
  • 47 What... ? Which ... ? How ... ? (questions 4)
  • 48 How long does it take ... ?
  • 49 Do you know where ... ? I don't know what... etc
  • 50 She said that... He told me that...
  • 51 work/working go/going do/doing
  • 52 to ... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
  • 53 I want you to ... I told you to ...
  • 54 I went to the shop to ...
  • 55 go to ... go on ... go for... go -ing
  • 56 get
  • 57 do and make
  • 58 have
  • 59 I/me he/him they/them etc
  • 60 my/his/their etc
  • 61 Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc
  • 62 l/me/my/mine
  • 63 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
  • 64 -'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car etc.)
  • 65 a/an ...
  • 66 train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)
  • 67 a bottle / some water (countable/uncountable 1)
  • 68 a cake / some cake / some cakes (countable/uncountable 2)
  • 69 a/an and the
  • 70 the
  • 71 go to work go home go to the cinema
  • 72 I like music I hate exams
  • 73 the ... (names of places)
  • 74 this/that/these/those
  • 75 one/ones
  • 76 some and any
  • 77 not + any no none
  • 78 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing
  • 79 somebody/anything/nowhere etc
  • 80 every and all
  • 81 all most some any no/none
  • 82 both either neither
  • 83 a lot much many
  • 84 (a) little (a) few
  • 85 old/nice/interesting etc (adjectives)
  • 86 quickly/badly/suddenly etc (adverbs)
  • 87 old/older expensive / more expensive
  • 88 older than ... more expensive than ...
  • 89 not as ... as
  • 90 the oldest the most expensive
  • 91 enough
  • 92 too
  • 93 He speaks English very well, (word order 1)
  • 94 always/usually/often etc (word order 2)
  • 95 still yet already
  • 96 Give me that book! Give it to me!
  • 97 and but or so because
  • 98 When ...
  • 99 If we go... If you se e ... etc
  • 100 If I had... If we w en t... etc
  • 101 a person who ... a thing that/which ... (relative clauses 1)
  • 102 the people we met the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)
  • 103 at 8 o'clock on Monday in April
  • 104 from ... to until since for
  • 105 before after during while
  • 106 in at on (places 1)
  • 107 in at on (places 2)
  • 108 to in at (places 3)
  • 109 under behind, opposite etc
  • 110 up, over, through etc
  • 111 on at by with about
  • 112 afraid o f..., good a t ... etc of/at/for etc (prepositions) + -ing
  • 113 listen to . . ., look a t ... etc (verb + preposition)
  • 114 go in, fall off, run away etc (phrasal verbs 1)
  • 115 put on your shoes put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)
  • 1-2 am/is/are
  • 3-4 present continuous (I'm working / are you working? etc.)
  • 1-2,5-7,9 present simple, am/is/are and have (got)
  • 3-8 present continuous (I'm working) and present simple (I work)
  • 10-12 was/were and past simple (I worked / did you work? etc.)
  • 11-14 past simple (I worked) and past continuous (I was working)
  • 3-14 present and past
  • 15-19 present perfect (I have done / she has been etc.)
  • 18-20 present perfect (I have done etc.) and past simple (I did etc.)
  • 3-20 present, past and present perfect
  • 21-22 passive
  • 25-28 Future
  • 3-22,25-28,52-54,98-105 past, present and future
  • 51-55, 105,112 -ing and to...
  • 65,69-73 a and the
  • 103-108,111 Prepositions
  • KET EBR Part 1.1 Daily life
  • KET EBR Part 1.2 Places and building
  • KET EBR Part 1.3 Services
  • KET EBR Part 2.1 The natural world
  • KET EBR Part 2.2 Education and study
  • KET EBR Part 2.3 Travel and holiday
  • KET EBR Part 3.1 Social interaction
  • KET EBR Part 3.2 Feelings, opinions and experiences
  • KET EBR Part 3.3 Hobbies and leisure
  • KET EBR Part 4.1 Sports and games
  • KET EBR Part 4.2 Entertainment and media
  • KET EBR Part 4.3 Transport
  • KET EBR Part 5.1 Daily life
  • KET EBR Part 5.2 Social interaction
  • KET EBR Part 5.3 Travel and holiday
  • KET EBR Part 6.1 Health and exercise
  • KET EBR Part 6.2 Personal identification
  • KET EBR Part 6.3 Entertainment and media
  • KET EBR Part 7.1 Food and drink
  • KET EBR Part 7.2 Clothes
  • KET EBR Part 7.3 The weather

Thông tin giảng viên

12272 Học viên 53 Khóa học

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4 Đánh giá






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